Happy New Year
from the staff of Yarmus Engineering, P.C.
We hope that you had a wonderful holiday season,
and we look forward to continuing to assist you with
your engineering and inspection needs in 2010.
We value your patronage of our firm.
What’s New
The New York State Society of Professional Engineers has acknowledged Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E. and his efforts in Rockland County in the latest edition of their magazine which is distributed statewide each quarter.
Recent Projects
- Review of the circumstances regarding sidewalk trip and fall accidents in both Brooklyn and the Bronx
- Consultation regarding the operation of NYC Transit Authority subway door closers
- Evaluation of the safety of a door saddle in a multiple dwelling residence in the Bronx
2009 Year in Review for Attorneys
As 2009 drew close to its end, the Supreme Court turned down an opportunity to decide a case many lawyers believed could set new precedent regarding the admissibility of expert testimony. But earlier in the year, in a key criminal case, the court affirmed the right of a defendant to confront experts who prepare prosecution evidence. These were just two of the significant appellate rulings involving expert witnesses issued during 2009. A number of federal and state cases through the year shed new light on the admissibility of expert opinions and the procedural formalities surrounding their use. In their year-end newsletter, IMS Expert Services surveyed the year’s cases and highlighted what they felt were the 10 most important expert rulings of 2009. Please click here to read the article.
2009 also saw the continued growth of the use of social networking both within and outside the workplace. The legal profession was no exception to this trend. In a December editorial, Find Law described a Florida determination regarding the interaction between attorneys and judges on the social networking platform Facebook. Please click here to read the editorial.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. specializes in providing Forensic Engineering services regarding Engineering, Construction, and Property Management related matters. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients.
Bloomberg Drops an Effort to Cut
Building Energy Use
In last month’s newsletter, we included an article regarding New York City mayor’s desire to improve the energy efficiency of buildings within the City of New York. On December 4th, the New York Times reported that “after intense opposition from building owners, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has dropped the most far-reaching initiative of his plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan, which the owners said was too costly, called for all buildings of 50,000 square feet or more to undergo audits to determine which renovations would make them more energy efficient, and for owners to then pay for many of those changes.
The mayor wants to go forward with the proposal to require energy audits, but now is leaving it up to the building owners whether to undertake the changes called for by those audits”. Please click here to read the full story.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to inspect, provide consultations on, and design energy efficiency enhancement alternatives. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients.