We know that the tri-state area offers a choice of many professionals to assist you with your engineering and inspection needs, and we are grateful for the opportunity to work with you. We hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday, and we wish you all the best during this holiday season!
What’s New
NYC Mayor de Blasio and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have announced an agreement to revise New York City’s flood maps in order to provide New Yorkers with more precise and current flood risk data, and to reflect future conditions that account for climate change.
Recent Projects
- Engineering and code consultation regarding site lighting at a Queens, NY garden apartment housing complex
- Structural engineering evaluation and consultation regarding deflection concerns at a property located in Nyack, NY
- Forensic engineering consulting services regarding a vehicular accident alleged to be related to adjacent construction activities in NYC
What the New York Labor Law Means for Building Owners and Managing Agents
In their November 2016 edition The Cooperator reported that “an accident that involves a worker who injures him or herself while on the job at a building can spell legal and financial trouble for building owners and managing agents under New York’s Labor Law. Three important sections from the law to consider are that building owners and managing agents are obligated to provide a safe working environment for workers (section 200); that areas in which work (i.e., construction, demolition) is being performed “shall be so constructed… equipped… operated and conducted as to provide reasonable and adequate protection and safety to the persons employed or frequenting such places” (section 241(6)); and that owners, contractors and managers are liable for gravity-related accidents that happen at the property (section 240 (1))…Building owners and managing agents could be held liable in cases of workplace injuries, and at stake could be millions of dollars. GNY Insurance Companies, which is headquartered in New York City, tackles the issues of workplace injury and insurance in their report titled New York Labor Law“.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with building and unit owners, property managers, real estate developers, builders, attorneys, insurance professionals, adjusters, building superintendents, and other related parties regarding such construction and site safety matters. Our firm’s staff has been recognized as an expert in these fields, and has provided “expert witness” testimony on such matters in courts located in various states. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.
Stone Exteriors: Asset or perhaps Major problem?
On November 1, 2016 The American Society of Home Inspectors re-published a portion of a Tampahomessold.com post reporting that “traditional vinyl siding, long the go-to material for home builders, is simply being snubbed in favor of trendier manufactured stone products which may or may not contain any actual stone. The appeal of faux stone to builders and home owners is easy to understand: Fabricated stone or stone veneer exteriors are lighter in weight and cheaper than natural stone and are offered in a wide array colors and designs. Manufacturers have reported double-digit sales increases in recent years. But home inspectors are sounding off about the need for caution: Reports of water damage as a result of poor installation techniques are getting to be widespread”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to consult with property owners, managers, purchasers, and related real estate professionals regarding such manufactured stone facade products, as well as the Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) facades referenced in the post. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients regarding such matters.