What’s New
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has signed legislation that amends the New York City Plumbing Code to bring it up-to-date with the 2009 International Plumbing Code (IPC).
Recent Projects
- Retained by the United States Attorney’s Office to provide Forensic Engineering services regarding a trip and fall which occurred on a set of steps at a US government facility
- Consultation regarding water intrusion conditions through the masonry facade of a newly constructed structure in Rockland County, NY
- Structural engineering review of facade and parapet failure conditions at a Westchester County commercial structure
Many backyard decks collapse, experts warn
On August 14th Jeff Rossen reported on The Today Show that “Decks are great. You barbecue, invite people over, let the kids play, and we never think twice about it; we assume it’s safe. But experts say people get hurt, even killed, because many decks aren’t built right — in danger of falling apart right under your feet.”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. specializes in both the inspection and design of decks to assist our clientele in ensuring the safety of their decks. We regularly inspect decks for both building owners and purchasers, as well as to certify deck construction for municipal building departments. We have provided Forensic Engineering services for cases involving such deck collapses, and we attend annual conferences provided by deck fastener manufacturers to ensure that we remain aware and knowledgeable of the latest in deck construction technology. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients.
It’s ‘Greener’ to Retrofit Than Build New, Says Report
On August 13th National Real Estate Investor reported “It is “unequivocally greener” to retrofit an old building than construct a new green building, no matter how many sustainable features are in the new construction, according to a recent report. The report says it can take between 10 and 80 years for a new energy-efficient building to overcome, through more efficient operations, the negative climate change impacts that come from construction. Environmental savings from reuse are between 4% and 46% over new construction when comparing buildings with the same energy performance level. “The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse” was commissioned by Preservation Green Lab, a project of the National Trust for Historic Preservation”.
Yarmus Engineering, P.C. is available to provide design and consulting services to our clientele seeking to renovate, retrofit, and/or enhance the energy efficiency of their facilities. Please contact our office if we can be of assistance to you or your clients.